Welcome to Shining Waters Council Popcorn!

Greetings Scouters and Youth Members

This is your one stop location for all the materials and information you will need to run an amazing popcorn campaign with your group this year.

Important Dates:

September 1-23: Group popcorn leads should receive their materials from their area coordinators.
All materials are also available for download from the Scouts Popcorn website. The Campaign Materials link on that page will allow you to download a folder containing all the pertinent items you will need to run a successful campaign.

If your sections are meeting before the 24th, have the youth work on their popcorn goals for this campaign. Scouters can use this handy worksheet  to help facilitate goal setting with youth, tying in scouting adventures for the year.

September 24- October 22: Campaign is in full swing! Please address safety as the number one priority when out making door-to-door visits. More on that here:


The popcorn campaign is also a great chance for youth to test out their inner entrepreneur and help gain confidence. Practice sales pitches with the youth as part of your program with these sample scripts. Don't forget that Scouts Popcorn is an integral part of our Scouting program, and is an excellent opportunity for us to start the year using our Plan-Do-Review process.

Make sure to share the Scouts Popcorn scholarship program and adventure box program with the youth. There are many benefits to our fundraising campaign and these are just some of them.

More details on the scholarship program and adventure box program here:


Group coordinators: this is a good time to also log into Trail's End and update your rosters so that they are current. There is not yet an interface between Trail's End and myscouts.ca, so you will have to update it manually. Last year's youth participants will still be listed in your group. We recommend group coordinators update the roster in Trail's End early in the campaign so as not to have to take this task on closer to the deadline.

Week of October 22-26 : Deadline for popcorn orders. All groups should have their sections' monies collected and have completed order input in Trail's End.  This is a hard deadline.

Please remember finance best practice when collecting and reconciling money and count all monies while two-deep.

Popcorn order steps for Group Coordinators

1. Collect monies and forms from sections. It is a good idea to leave a copy of the original order form with the youth in case the original becomes misplaced or damaged.

2.  Input orders in Trail's End.

3. Once the orders are in the system, and approved by council, groups are to print out or download their invoice. Click on the left-hand column in Trail's End where it reads "Reports," then click on "Unit Invoice."  The invoice breaks down the total amount your group needs to pay to council while also breaking down the amount your group has made in commissions.

4. Deposit the amount payable to council at any CIBC branch using our deposit slip, available from your area coordinator.

Important: remember to keep the receipt the bank will issue once the deposit is made.  Scan or take a photo of the receipt and send it to your area coordinator.

5. Phew! Now it's time to wait for the delivery...

Delivery Steps for Group Coordinators

1. Hooray! The order has arrived at your designated warehouse in  November.  Shining Waters Council will be receiving orders in two warehouses:

Barrie Warehouse ADDRESS- Whispering Pines, Sunset, Simcoe Phoenix, Northern Lights Areas.
Aurora Warehouse : 95 Dunning Drive. York Headwaters and South Lake Simcoe Areas.

Orders will arrive on or about November 9-10, 2018. 

2. You will receive notification from your area popcorn coordinator before the delivery date to arrange a time for your group to pick up your group's order. Coordinate with your group's scouters as to who will pick the popcorn order up from the warehouse.

3. Once your group's order is picked up, they will need to be sorted into youth orders. You should have the original youth order form or a copy with you to help you sort the orders. It's a good idea to recruit 2-3 scouters or youth to help you out with this.

4. The sorted orders are distributed back to the youth to deliver to their happy customers. You can use this Thank You card  to give to your customers when the order is delivered. Please remember to keep safety as a priority when delivering orders. Look both ways when crossing the street, don't go out alone, etc. Refer back to the safety tips from the Scouts Popcorn website.

5. Please forward any order discrepancies, including damaged product, overages, shortages, etc, to your area coordinator.

6. Celebrate with your youth! You guys did an awesome Scouts Popcorn job this year! As a group, you have the purview to decide how the popcorn monies are allocated to youth. Some groups allocate a percentage back to the youth of their commission, like 50%. This is entirely up to the group.


Group prizes can be allocated to the youth as your group sees fit.  Speak to your area coordinators for some ideas on how you can make group prizes an awesome experience for the youth. Some ideas include threshold prizes: what this means is, if a youth hits a certain sales number, they receive a prize. i.e. youth who sell $500 or more receive a backpack; $350 and under a stuffed animal, $200 and under a water bottle, etc. Or you could award top-selling youth in each section with a prize of your choice.

The key is to allocate dollars to the prize program from the get-go. Please make this a topic for discussion at your group committee meetings.

Another idea is to have a prize table, and to hand out raffle tickets to youth based on their sales. For example, the youth receive a ticket for every $50 of product they sold.

Shining Waters Council will also award all youth who sell over $650 with a special prize!

Additional Materials:

Planning Tool and Timeline


  1. Can you tell me the Barrie Delivery Address it is not in this Blog

    1. Thanks! I am waiting on confirmation and will updates as soon as I have the info.


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