
Showing posts from October, 2018

Trail's End Order Entry and Making Your Group Deposit

Happy Friday, Scouters, Parents, and Youth With order entry on the horizon, we thought it would be a good idea to refresh you on the steps to take to input orders and make the deposit at CIBC. Here is a breakdown of steps you can take to get ready for order entry in the Trail's End system: 1. First, it is important to make sure that whomever is taking care of order entry in your group has a valid, working Trail's End login. If you have one from last year, it will/should work. 2. Second, it's important to update your groups and sections with this year's youth rosters ahead of time, so it's ready for when you're sitting down to complete order entry. There is currently no way to import your group's myscouts profile directly into Trail's End, so it will take some manual typing-in. PS: Trail's End calls groups "units." 3. Collect orders the week of October 22-26th.   a. Keep copies of the original order forms. That way, in case one...

Shining Waters Popcorn Update

Greetings Shining Waters! Hope you're all having a fantastic time on your popcorn campaign! We wanted to check in with some pretty important news about warehouse dates and other things. Warehouse News The delivery date will take place one week later than first anticipated. We expect the delivery trucks to arrive on Friday November 16, for sorting and then group pick-ups on Saturday. More information about pick-up time will be arranged and shared in the near future. The Barrie warehouse address (delivery for SPA, WPA, NLA and SSA) has not been firmed up but will be made available soon. Aurora warehouse address for YHW and SLS: 95 Dunning Drive. We Want to Hear Your Popcorn Stories Have any of your youth hit their fundraising goals? Any popcorn success stories you want to share? Please email any popcorn photos and stories to nicole.donadio@scouts. ca. We want to celebrate your popcorn adventures! Trail's End Training Do you need any help with Trail's End?...