Trail's End Order Entry and Making Your Group Deposit
Happy Friday, Scouters, Parents, and Youth With order entry on the horizon, we thought it would be a good idea to refresh you on the steps to take to input orders and make the deposit at CIBC. Here is a breakdown of steps you can take to get ready for order entry in the Trail's End system: 1. First, it is important to make sure that whomever is taking care of order entry in your group has a valid, working Trail's End login. If you have one from last year, it will/should work. 2. Second, it's important to update your groups and sections with this year's youth rosters ahead of time, so it's ready for when you're sitting down to complete order entry. There is currently no way to import your group's myscouts profile directly into Trail's End, so it will take some manual typing-in. PS: Trail's End calls groups "units." 3. Collect orders the week of October 22-26th. a. Keep copies of the original order forms. That way, in case one...